Comewell Puplampu

Comewell Puplampu Photographer

Tell us a bit about yourself

I'm a photographer, videographer and fashion stylist from Milan but actually based in London. Throughout my life I have studied Art and Fashion, which have been a strong influence in the works I do till today. The camera has been a great medium to connect and engage with people, and I am so grateful of it.

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

Vulnerable, is a project but also one of the aims I work with photography and Films. I find it beautiful when people are able to be themselves in front of the camera, and I don't see it at all as a sign of weakness, I'm trying to stigmatise this idea through my works.

Therefore, in the past few years I've been collecting pictures of people, models and clients that have given me the gift of being natural and vulnerable with me. I do my best to capture them in a conceptual way, in a scenario that easily reasonates with them, but out of the ordinary. And I will be doing an exhibtion on the 19th of November 2022 in London displaying most of the beautiful people I've captured. 

What are you working on at the moment?

While working on the Vulnerable project with people, I'm also working on myself in a video project called Explore. I believe to demand vulnerability from others you need to first show it yourself. And this film project shows differents facets of me which I've always been afraid to display. But now I see it a sign of strength to keep going and possibly encourage others too.

Finally, since last year I've been working on to open a Plant-based restaurant with a well-being concept called 'Comewell Foods', made for people to connect and feel good about themselves. It is a dream which I am strongly working on and I am combinining with my photography/videography work. The food will also be catered at the Exhibition on the 19th. So you should come and feel the love!

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

As for photography and fashion, Helmut Newton! For the way he portrayed Ladies, strong and confident in the 90s. For film I have so many inspirations and there are a lot of great living artists out there, such as Ari Aster and his last film 'Midsommar', has been a great influence recently in my works. Lately for music, as cliché as it sounds, I do really admire Beyoncé for how she recreates herself every time she put out something throughout her career, and her work ethic is so inspiring to me.

What was the last thing that inspired you?

People stories. When they open up to you is can somewhat be beautiful and inspiring.

Tell us why it's important for you to have a portfolio website

It's the most important way to display your work, more than every other social media platform, because you kind of own it, you're free to make it look the way you want. It's more professional to the client's eye too. But especially you're not the product as you are when using social platforms such as Instagram, facebook etc.

As a Photographer what are your tips in building a portfolio website?

I believe the best way is to display first your best works, keep it simple but also unique.

How do you market yourself?

Word of mouth and interacting with people.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

I find it more customisable and affordable compared to other hosts. Been using for a long time by now. My favourite feature was the Client's Gallery, makes it so much easier for me but also clients to view and select the images they like.

Visit Comewell's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow him on Instagram.

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