Corina Sawal

Corina Sawal Photographer

Tell us a bit about yourself

Im always exploring in terms of creativity, be it in music, visual art and photography.

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

Street photography is my favourite form of photographic style as it tells a much more genuine and in-the-moment type feeling when it comes to showcasing a time and place you want to feature. I don't really shy away from staged shoots. In fact I definitely would be very open to working on those given the opportunity, but i still lean towards candied and unscripted mainly because its comes out as more accessible as a photographer and hopefully more relatable as the viewer.

What are you working on at the moment?

I am working on a project called “Liminalistic” which is basically a series of photographs i took around the streets of Hong Kong. Corners of which reminds me of my childhood. Now that I’ve come back here from living in the Philippines for more than a decade, I just felt the need to compile these photos to match a style that i am currently very fond of, which is liminal spaces.

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

I could name a few big social media influencers but the main influencer would most definitely be my dad. Growing up I would always watch my dad take and develop film photographs. And one of his favourite things to do were to run them through this old school carousel looking slide and put these slides through a projector. Ive always enjoyed those moments as a kid.

What was the last thing that inspired you?

Liminal Spaces

Tell us why it's important for you to have a portfolio website

As a creative its always really nice to be seen. Regardless of what kind of criticism we receive, its very important to have some kind of feedback. Its an important factor for growth and development.

As a professional artist what are your tips in building a portfolio website?

It honestly depends on what you’re trying to put out there in the internet. You build a website around what you want to show, but personally, as a photographer I would tend to keep it very simple and minimalistic because I want the pictures to do most of a talking. I also find that most people aren't fond or reading walls of text. (Haha)

How do you market yourself?

I just usually post stories on my instagram stories, be it my actual photos or just about my process.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

Its honestly very user friendly and it surprisingly meets my needs in terms of accessibility as someone who is not as proficient in coding or graphic designing. Its also pretty affordable which I find very refreshing.

Visit Corina's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow her on Instagram

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