
How to Do Competitor Website Analysis Absolutely


The answer to that question might not always be often enough if you're like most online business owners. As you know, monitoring and analyzing your competitors' sites is crucial for marketing and developing your site content so that it doesn't lag behind in key areas such as navigation, simplicity, design, and usability. 

Naturally, someone might enter the market without doing any research on their competitor. But their success won’t last long because they'll inevitably succumb at some point due to a lack of innovation or an original idea.

Portfoliobox has compiled all the information you can find out in our article:

  1. How to find your website's competitors?
    • Why is competitor website analysis necessary for the development of your site?
    • What do you get from competitor website analysis?
  2. How to analyze competitor websites
    • Branding analysis
    • Competitor's Blog
    • Using free analysis tools
    • Analyzing their SEO
    • Study their price list
  3. The best free tools for analyzing competitor sites
    • WHSR Tool
    • GTmetrix
    • Mentionmapp
    • SimilarWeb
    • Ahrefs

How to Find Website Competitors?

How to Find Website Competitors

We've already given you a brief overview of competitor website analysis and the benefits you can expect. Of course, we'll revisit this subject and carefully examine the benefits of researching your competitors' websites. Another obvious question is, however, how and where to locate website rivals.

The solution is simple and straightforward: finding rival websites on the Internet is simple. There are two possibilities:

  • manually searching for website rivals online and making keyword-based selections;
  • using additional tools, such as SimilarWeb, which we'll describe later, to find competitors.

Why Is Competitor Website Analysis Necessary for Your Website Development?

Let's say you have a business. You have been working hard for one year, two years, or three years and have gained good customer reviews, but metrics such as LTV (Lifetime Value) and Customer Retention Rate are lacking. It means your competitors are providing better offers than yours in the market! 

To get your customers back, you need to analyze their performance: find what attracts them; provide them with some special bonuses; give them something that they can't deny! 

When faced with anything new and unfamiliar—or if the site isn't offering much at all, start researching on other platforms first before doing anything else yourself. Avoid making mistakes others have made before you so you can do better.

What Do You Get With Competitor Website Analysis?

After assessing all the external influences, you can manipulate the specifics of your product or service and create your brand of business promotion that will enable you to outperform your rivals. The main factors you can determine are:

  • How many businesses offer similar goods or services;
  • What traffic sources your competitors' websites use;
  • What they're doing to draw customers, and what new things they're offering;
  • What content strategy they use;
  • How to develop your company's positioning and strategy for the internet based on those listed above.

How to Do Competitor Website Analysis

How to Do Competitor Website Analysis

Once you have identified your competitors, you need to analyze them. There are several points by which you can determine the similarities and differences between your website and your competitor's:

Branding Analysis

Foremost when you visit a competitor’s website; you can notice the colors in which the site is made. Pay attention to the details - for example, whether the colors are comfortable for your eyes or, on the contrary, too bright and unpleasant. Assess the logo of the company - what do you think attracts customers?

Look at the overall design of the site and note what you like, do not like, what you pay attention to, and whether there is enough information. Do you understand the navigation - is it simple to search, filter, etc. Is it easy to find contacts and communicate with the company?

You can also ask your friends, colleagues, or customers to evaluate several competitors' websites and your site and tell you what they like, what useful features they see as customers, where the menu is more convenient, and where it's easier to find the product, and the like.

Competitor’s Blog

The next step is to analyze the blogs on your competitors' websites. Start by checking if your competitors have a blog - if yes, start analyzing it.

Pay attention first to the topics disclosed in the blog: is it company news or exciting topics that increase the traffic of the target audience on the competitor’s website? What is their format? What is the average number of characters used in the articles?

Using a competitor's website analysis tool, check which content customers pay more attention to and which ones they don't read. This way, you can identify a list of topics that are not interesting to your target audience, and you won't waste your time creating them.

Use Free Analysis Tools 

Don't know how to measure your competitor's website traffic to compare it with your own? You can evaluate your competitors' websites with the aid of several analysis tools. Such tools are widely available and can be purchased or downloaded for free. But in general, free software may perform the same functions as paid ones, so you don't need to spend extra cash on them.

You can find many other worthwhile features using free comparison website analysis tools, including:

  • For example, find keywords on a competitor's website and see how they stand out among the paid keywords;
  • analyze the number of backlinks;
  • monitor changes in a competitor's website.

Analyze Their SEO

SEO analysis is an integral part of competitor site analysis. You need to assess the SEO potential of your competitors and understand why they are in a particular position in the search engine. You can do this with the same analysis tools that help you calculate helpful information from your competitors' websites.

An example may be a handy Serpstat, which can be installed as an extension of Google Chrome. You can track what kind of Meta tags your competitors use, for example, and other things.

For example, on the site Portfoliobox, all SEO settings are comfortable to do in the blog.

Pay Attention to the Price List

If the site's goal is to sell, it makes sense to look at competitors' pricing policies. If a competitor's site has more traffic and more purchases, it most likely indicates that the competitor's site has something more appealing to its target audience than you do.

There may be many reasons for this, so analyze the prices of several competitors' sites: what price - average or below average, if there are discounts or promotions - for example, buying something a second time at a discount. All these nice things cling to many customers, so they go to a competitor and not to you.

Why don't you think about some promotions or discounts after analyzing your competitors, for example, offering discounts the week before and after a customer's birthday? This is a nice bonus that will make customers happy because they will understand that you are thinking about them.

Best Free Tools for Competitor Website Analysis 

In the paragraphs above, we constantly mentioned competitor website analysis tools, so in this block, we would like to draw your attention to the top 5 free tools that will help you to do a comparative analysis of your competitors' websites. Among the abundance of many tools, we've highlighted the top 5:

  • WHSR Tool
  • GTmetrix
  • Mentionmapp
  • SimilarWeb
  • Ahrefs

Let's take a closer look at each of them.



This tool is primarily intended to find out what the site is based on, so to speak, its foundation. We're talking about what technologies allow the site to work, like web hosting and so on.

The application is fairly simple; you must provide a competitor's website URL. The tool can show you a lot of different information, such as whether the site uses additional web applications, what scripts they use, hosting information, etc. You can compare several sites to find the perfect combination of elements for you.

Most people who decide to use WHSR note its indispensable advantages:

  • completely free;
  • very easy;
  • fast.



This tool allows you to monitor the website speed. You know that no one enjoys a slow website, thus GTmetrix will assist you in comparing the loading times of your website and those of your rivals.

If it appears that your competitors' websites are faster, you should take notice and work on yours to get to the top of the competition. Also, in combination with the previous tool, you can improve your SEO by benchmarking.

The application has a free version and a paid version. In general, the free one will be enough for you, but if you want to discover more advanced features, you can buy the paid version.



Mentionmapp is a great tool for competitor website analysis because it allows you to see how your competitors are being viewed online. You can also use Mentionmapp to track website traffic competitors and see who is linking to your competitors' sites. Plus, Mentionmapp makes it easy to export your data so you can share your findings with your team.



If you want an overview of your competitors' website traffic, SimilarWeb is a great place to start. You can see how much traffic each site is getting, where their traffic is coming from, and what kind of engagement they're getting. Plus, you can compare up to five sites at a time. 

The distinctive feature of this site is that it can help you find the most popular keywords of your competitors. All the data is arranged in convenient tables and histograms so that you can more comfortably compare.



Ahrefs is one of the biggest names in the SEO business with an extensive database. Fortunately, this program has several free tools. 

For example, a backlink checker helps you find wrong links. This is quite helpful if you don't want to pay for full-fledged SEO analysis.

Your Helper - Portfoliobox

So, now you know how to do a free website comparison analysis, and understand why. Comparing your competitors' websites to yours will give you a huge boost, and you'll be able to keep moving and growing in your direction.

Using the programs described in the article will help you perform an SEO analysis of your website and take your business to the next level.

And if you want to create your website and customize it yourself, you can always do it on Portfoliobox. You can make SEO adjustments while creating your site, and it will be much easier to make your site unique by outrunning your competitors' website traffic.


What is a competitor website?

A competitor's site is a resource that provides the same services or products as yours. They are ranked in the search engine for the most part by keywords from the semantic core.

How do you analyze a competitor's website?

You can analyze your competitor's website in different ways: manually and using additional online tools. Using tools will give you more accurate results, and in addition to searching by keywords, they will also show traffic to the competitor's website, the framework on which the site is based, and much more. 

What is the best SEO tool for competitor site analysis?

There are many servers for SEO analysis of your site and your competitors' site, and it is difficult to single out the best one. We recommend combining several tools, such as WHSR Tool, GTmetrix, or others. You can also do the analysis manually, such as evaluating their overall site design, blog, etc.

Why is competitor analysis necessary?

Competitor analysis is needed so that you can stay competitive. In a preliminary analysis of competitors' websites, you will understand which keywords increase traffic, how well and quickly the site works, what people like more, what they react to, etc.

How do I find my website competitors?

You can try to manually search for keywords, or use programs that will do it more quickly and with more options. Such programs include Ahrefs, Similarweb, Serpstat, and others.

How do you analyze the content of competitors?

Competitor content can be analyzed by several key factors:

  • Branding analysis
  • Blog analysis
  • SEO analysis
  • Price

By analyzing all these factors and comparing them to your own, you can figure out the perfect website for you.

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