Digital portfolios for copywriters

Have you ever thought about how a great copywriting portfolio can boost your working process and let you develop as a copywriter? Let’s find out. 

You should collect the best of your articles, preferably of different kinds, to recommend yourself as a flexible writer, which can suit everyone’s needs. Check out the info below to discover how to do it properly. 

While showing your honest skills and features, employees have an opportunity to save their time by avoiding someone with no skill. Furthermore, digital portfolios make the info about you more accessible, which seems to be a great advantage, which is especially needed today, when you have work for foreign companies via internet. It also makes it easier for you to drive their attention to the work you can do, saving you long explanations. 

Your portfolio is a business card, which you let your potential clients and employers take to hire you. Imagine that you are looking for an employee- what is the fastest and the most reliable way to find them? It is by running through many portfolios. Despite there being a high level of competition, everyone has the same chance to be seen and heard. Getting a portfolio when you are starting out as a copywriter is important, but getting it right is even more crucial. How can you do this without experience? 

Now, you, as a newbie, have the great opportunity to look for helpful information via the Web. Check out the info below to get familiar with the powerful tips for every copywriter, which can boost your portfolio right now, making it interesting and impressive. 

Tips for copywriters to make a portfolio online

  • Ask a trusted person for feedback. It is essential to show your portfolio to your relative or friend before publishing to ensure that everything is OK. Ask them to help you choose your best articles and check out the proper word spelling in the description of your copywriting portfolio. 

Also, we want to note that if you have a family member or close friend with a business where your skills can be applied, you are lucky. Approach them and offer to help them with a press release, a newsletter, content for their website, or whatever it is that needs writing. It is a great chance to gain some experience and make your portfolio more diversified to share it online with confidence. 


  • Gather your writing samples. Suppose you’ve worked as a copywriter for an agency or brand before leaving to start your own copywriting business. In that case, you’ll want to gather writing samples from your work that showcase your talent and demonstrate the range of media, industries, and clients you’ve written for. If you don’t have previous copywriting experience, you’ll still need writing samples to show potential clients. Consider doing spec work to showcase your skills. Spec work involves producing ads on behalf of a business without working for them. Often, writers will develop copy for big brands to show the kind of work they’d produce to make a splash for that company, even though they don’t work for them.


  • Determine your weaknesses and strengths. You should be especially honest and accurate when introducing yourself as a copywriter, highlighting your hard and soft skills. Tell a short but informative story about yourself, including your working experience and goals. 


  • Make it look good, grab more attention. 


  1. Choose an easy-to-read font and well-spaced lines. And keep this formatting consistent across all of your samples.
  2. Focus on ensuring your portfolio is simple to navigate and easily accessible. You could organise your work into some form of logical order if you plan on displaying lots of samples. Perhaps by date, subject category, or copywriting technique?
  3. Include some visual content. Yes, it’s all about the words, but including screenshots of pages you worked on, logos of brands you’ve helped, or even some carefully chosen stock images to break up the text will increase the appeal of your portfolio.
  4. Triple-check (then quadruple-check) your spelling and grammar. Careless mistakes won’t win your trust.

How to make a copywriting portfolio 

How to make a copywriting portfolio

  • Find a sweet spot between quantity and quality

While filling your copywriting portfolio, you should decide what it will include. Without any doubt, every copywriter has a lot to show, but you should not oversaturate your portfolio. Don’t throw every piece of work you’ve ever done into your copywriting portfolio. Choose those items that best reflect your talent. Leave out the ones that are “just okay” or that look somewhat unprofessional because the budget was low. You likely won’t be present to explain, so just reveal those works that speak for themselves as top-notch sales pieces for your abilities.


  • Introduce yourself from all the sides

Include enough samples in your copywriting portfolio to show the full range of your capabilities. While preparing your portfolio to release, ensure that your work is able to attract more clients and cover more audience. What does it mean? Perhaps you can write websites, brochures, and case studies, so be sure you have at least one or two examples of each; this is something I try to do with my own portfolio.

Perhaps you also want to show the diversity of clients for whom you’re able to write. So you could show samples for a manufacturer, a service company and a high-tech firm.


  • Renew your copywriting portfolio regularly

It comes to another digital portfolio advantage, that it can be easily renewed. It is essential to refresh it according to your own progress and add something new to fit the trends. Like fashion, copywriting and design go through style changes. Work samples created in the 1990s will look dated because the people in the photos are probably sporting styles that were popular then and not now.

Be sure to keep your portfolio and its design fresh. Add new samples and remove those that may no longer be relevant.


  • Be creative

Today, according to the development of popular internet activities and competition, you can't totally excite anyone with your skills, Even though I have a portfolio online located within my website, prospects still often request samples of my work. While I could just direct them to the portfolio, I will usually take a moment to point out a few relevant writing samples or send them a few select links. When you tailor your presentation, you boost your impression of proven expertise in that niche.

Create your portfolio online with PortfolioBox

Your portfolio should reflect your creativity and originality. Rather than being limited to a standard theme, Portfoliobox allows you to use a different style for every single page. This unparalleled freedom in design options is the reason why over one million unique websites have been created on this platform. Once you’ve made your copywriting portfolio, you need to park it somewhere accessible. Do you now have a better idea of how to create a unique portfolio design? Finally, with PortfolioBox, you can do it for free! 

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