
Create a portfolio website


Portfolio has a great meaning for a job. Its creation can involve a programmer, web designer, marketer and other employees. But it is not always necessary to ask for the help of specialists. You can do it yourself with these steps:

  • Define niche and target audience.
  • Choose the right site builder.
  • Select a domain.
  • Optimize your portfolio for all devices.
  • Choose your best works.

A portfolio is crucial for almost all areas of business. You can put all your work in one file and send it to potential clients. But it is better to design a high-quality web page. You can present your works and information about conditions, costs, and reviews there. This way, having your portfolio website will give you a better chance of promotion. Besides, the Internet provides many opportunities how to build a professional portfolio. All you need is to learn the base of this knowledge and go through the process. And how exactly to do it? We will tell you about this in the following sections.

professional portfolio website

Why a portfolio is important for your career?

With it employers or prospects consider your talent in a particular field of work. A successful portfolio reveals you as a creative person. It also indicates the presence of potential for creative activity. Thanks to this, the employer can check the specialist and decide to invite them for an interview.

The portfolio has a big meaning for a job. Even if you are inexperienced, a portfolio can overcome this problem. Because the employers need to see only how you present information about your candidacy. If you have a long work experience behind you and a boring portfolio, they are unlikely to be interested in you. So, your future work depends on the portfolio.

A portfolio is necessary both for beginners and experienced specialists. It is an excellent opportunity to show your best work, achievements, and potential. Thanks to a successful presentation, you can prove your potential most profitably. It can also be a powerful tool for developing your brand.

Studying the professional experience portfolio allows an experienced employer to see your development process. It reveals all your working abilities that can significantly impact your career. You can submit a portfolio both in person and on the website. When you do it through websites or PDF formats, this is your deciding factor. After all, based on the portfolio, employers decide whether you are worthy of taking a place in their company.

Who needs a professional portfolio?

First of all, representatives of creative professions use portfolios for successful employment. It can be a designer, actor, musician, journalist, model, and so on. That is, you need a professional experience portfolio if:

  • Your work results in a graphic file, image, visual object, or website. 
    Professions: designer, photographer, artist, model, architect, builder, make-up artist, event manager.
  • You create creative objects for new tasks. 
    Professions: journalist, copywriter, screenwriter, advertising specialist. In this case, it is worth collecting a portfolio of texts, links to publications, and blogs.
  • Your work is project-based. 
    Professions: auditor, project manager, programmer, consultant, business process optimization specialist, technology specialist, engineer.

Also, the professional experience portfolio will be relevant if you have created something fundamentally new. For example, a university teacher created their own program. Content for a portfolio can create specialists in almost any profession. Of course, a doctor or an actor will have a portfolio of different content. But in any case, a thoughtful self-presentation will allow the employer to form a complete impression of the specialist. 

What should I include in my professional portfolio?

If you create a portfolio website, there are specific requirements for its content. Since a portfolio has a significant meaning for a job, it should attract employees and potential clients. But how to do it? Fill it with only the necessary information. Don't write a lot of unnecessary details. It is unlikely that the employer will want to read about what salary you used to work for. So don't include this. And, of course, remember to add useful links to your works and projects. It increases the opportunity to interest others. The main task is to include only the most necessary. Following this rule will help you give a clear structure to your portfolio and make it more attractive. So, select only the critical materials and write only the most crucial information. This rule applies to all the following things that you should include in your portfolio:

1. About Me Page

Nothing is more frustrating than receiving a portfolio without a presentation page. Introduce yourself properly. When you write about yourself, don't try to overcomplicate the information. It will only confuse your audience. So avoid too many adjectives and clearly describe who you are, what you do, why, and how you do it.

2. Career summary

You need to write about your career to give others a general idea of ​​you as a specialist. Give specific examples of where you worked and what you did for how long. If you have extra education or any courses, please list them as well. 5-7 sentences will be enough to tell about your career.

3. Samples of your work

Documents, images, collaborations, and the like - it's the content of your professional experience portfolio. Regardless of what you do, you should provide examples of your projects. But remember to choose only the best. It will present you as a specialist with a wide range of capabilities.

4. Reviews 

If you already have reviews, post them on your site. It removes doubts from the employer at the expense of your professionalism.

5. Your contact information

If someone likes your work, they will want to contact you. To do this, leave your name, phone number, and e-mail. If you have social media, it's even better. You can use them as an extra element of communication with you.

6. Call to action

With the last block, you can create a form of "Are there any questions left?". If the client likes 
your work, then the block with the application will be appropriate.

Content for a portfolio may vary depending on the type of activity. But what we talked about above is the base. People most commonly use it on all portfolio websites.

build a professional portfolio

How to Create a Portfolio Website

Everyone creates their portfolio according to their wishes. Someone hires specialists who do everything for them. And someone does it independently. The second option is much cheaper and more straightforward than everyone thinks. Creating your professional portfolio website will need little effort. Even if you are a beginner. The main thing is to follow the next steps:

Select a domain

If you decide to create a portfolio site, the first thing you need to do is choose a domain name. It is how you will build a professional portfolio. How easily and quickly you find a portfolio online depends on the domain. It should be short, catchy and memorable.
You should also pay attention to the domain areas. There are many of them, so there will be plenty to choose from:

  • The optimal solution for creative people is “art”.
  • At the same time, there are other thematic ones - for photographers, designers, and stylists.
  • You can choose national or international, but they are more expensive.
  • Keep in mind that you need to pay for the domain every year.

Define your niche and target audience

A crucial stage is the analysis of the target audience. The need for this step is in various marketing strategies. And this is important. Because it determines the process of creating a portfolio in the future. The main goal is finding your niche and collecting a professional experience portfolio:

  • For example, a food photographer can focus on work that interests restaurants.
  • It is best to do this on your own photography website.
  • If photos are in various genres, you should know how to present yourself to attract customers.

Design the first page

When you create a professional portfolio website, pay attention to the main screen. It is where the employer's acquaintance with the portfolio begins. It helps make the first impression about you. This rule applies to any type of portfolio:

  • Whether it's a presentation, a PDF file, a website, or a questionnaire on a freelancer exchange.
  • Be able to interest a potential customer immediately.

Choose a portfolio format

The portfolio has a significant meaning for a job. But it also has a more critical meaning depending on its format. Besides the website, it is helpful to have a printed version. Applying this is a good solution for face-to-face meetings with clients. Because others can place it in the office. Then clients who come for personal meetings can familiarize themselves with your work. As for the portfolio, its use is also a good decision:

  • Such an option is much easier to spread with the level of development of digital technologies.
  • Plus, it's cheaper than printing even small paper runs.
  • But it is better to have both of these options. You may want to bring a portfolio to someone in person and not just send it online.

Choose the best works

A content for a portfolio is a collection of your best work and skills. So, do not allow low-quality material or information to be in it. Before making content for a portfolio, it is necessary to form it correctly. It is crucial to have sound samples of your work in your arsenal. They prove your professionalism. If you're having trouble deciding whether to include any works, do the following:

  • Look at your work through the eyes of a potential client. If you like it, feel free to include it in your portfolio.
  • Decide which skills you want to emphasize.
  • Choose those works that have received the most reviews.
  • Choose those projects that have awards.
  • And remember that you do not need to include a large number of projects in the portfolio. Too many of them can scare off employers.

Find a place for each of your projects

Don't overload the content for a portfolio by putting absolutely everything in it. Employers usually only look at a few projects. If you have different categories of work, choose them correctly and package them:

  • First, put the most exciting projects that reveal your creative potential.
  • Do not place projects of the same type in the portfolio. The employer may think that you do not have creativity.
  • Follow the trends in the chosen field. Prove it with the works that will be in the portfolio.
  • Don't try to grasp the unfathomable. First, select for the portfolio those works that reveal your primary type of activity.

Use social media to spread your portfolio

Social media is a great platform to promote your professional experience portfolio. In today's world, attracting customers through the Internet is very convenient and practical. But it is difficult when your content for a portfolio is not gaining popularity. So, ensure that it has visual information about your activities and reviews about working with you. The more creatively you do it, the greater the chances of sharing on social networks. But before distributing it, you need to know how to build a professional portfolio:

  • Group posts by each type of service and publish them following the structure.
  • Show activity in other profiles. Write comments and likes, and try to post such content so that people save and repost it.

A Word From Portfoliobox

A high-quality portfolio site is necessary for any person in a creative profession. It is something that opens the door to building your career. And without it, it is quite difficult to do it, even if you are a professional. But with Portfoliobox, it will be much more exciting and more accessible. We will provide you with all the necessary tools for this. The return will not make you wait long.

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