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Digital file size and formats

File format

The following file formats are supported:

  •  gif
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • png
  • svg
  • zip
  • rar
  • mp3
  • mp4
  • mpeg
  • oga
  • ogv
  • opus
  • tar
  • wav
  • avi
  • epub
  • mobi
  • prc

Library size

The total size of your digital files library depends on your plan. You can upload as many files as you wish within that space. NB! You need to upgrade before you can upload files to your account.

  • Light plan: 25 Mb
  • Personal Plan: 50 Mb
  • Professional: 5Gb

File size

Maximum File Size: 1 Gb per file

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Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result



  • 动态网格
  • 偶行
  • 黄金比例
  • 平方比例
  • 居中对齐
  • 拼图样式
  • 随机样式
  • 水平
  • 水平 2
  • 水平 3
  • 垂直
  • 02:01
  • 03:01
仅在有限的时间内,所有计划均可享受20%的折扣。 ×