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Sell a Digital Asset with a Checkout button

You can also add a Checkout button on any page to sell your assets and link it to a digital asset from your Library. The download link will be emailed to your customer when the payment is completed. The link will be valid for 3 days.

Upload your digital file

You should start by uploading your digital file.

Add a Checkout button 

  1. Rigth-click on an element on your page
  2. Click on Add Element Below
  3. Click Store
  4. Choose the Checkout Button for Shared Files

Link the button to your Digital Product 

  1. Right-click on the button
  2. Click on Change Content
  3. Edit the button
    1. The text
    2. The price of the item
    3. Upload an image that's displayed on the receipt
  4. Select the asset you want to link to the button

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