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Use Event Booking Alternatives

Booking Alternatives is a feature in the booking system that allows you to offer multiple date and time options for the same event, like classes or workshops. It simplifies the booking process for you and your customers. 

Key Features

  • Create Multiple Options: You can add as many alternatives as you need for your event. Each alternative can have its own title, description, price, and the number of available seats.

  • Customize Titles and Descriptions: Tailor the title and description for each alternative to provide specific details about what makes each option unique. This helps customers choose the right one.

  • Set Individual Prices: You can set different prices for each alternative, making it easy to offer tiered pricing or special deals.

  • Manage Availability: Define the available seats for each alternative, ensuring that you don't overbook and providing customers with clear availability information.

Create a booking alternative

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Choose Your Services/Events.
  3. Select an existing booking
  4. Click Add New Alternative
  5. Fill in the information:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Price
    • Number of Available Seats
  6. Click Save New Alternative

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