Tattoo Website Portfolio

Creating a good website to display your works is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and experience. It is important for all sorts of artists and tattoo masters to show their work to as many people as possible. You can hardly find a sphere of activity, which wouldn’t use digital platforms as an additional accompaniment to their work. 

A few years ago, website portfolios were mainly created by photographers or web designers, yet now everything has changed. Having a website portfolio and a popular social media page is essential to everyone, as it is a great way to promote your works. Some statistics show that nearly 55% of customers learn about new brands on social media. Moreover, for artists, an online portfolio is a kind of CV that allows their potential customers to find out everything they need. This is exactly the case when to show is better than to tell. 

So, how can you build an online portfolio? This is a reasonable question, especially when you know the value of proper online promotion. Here are the most effective tips that will help you boost your site’s traffic!

tatoo website portfolio

6 Hints for creating a tatoo website portfolio

There are many secrets to creating a successful site, yet we have decided to generalize them and give you the most precious tips. These points are the key ones in creating any type of website to work well for a photographer and a tattoo master. So, what should you consider?

  1.  Pick up a host platform. Not only do brands and companies understand the value of proper website hosting but the sites’ hosters as well. Therefore, you can find many platforms offering you their services for creating and supporting your site. Since they are made specifically for creating portfolio websites of any kind, there is a vast choice of tools and services they offer.

  2. Install WordPress. WordPress is an utterly free content management system dedicated specifically to those who want to create their website. If you don’t want to stick to any platform, you can simply download WordPress, and create your site following the instructions. By the way, many platforms use WP, though they made it significantly simpler for their users. Anyway, a great chance to create a site where you can show your tattoo work.

  3. Register on Portfoliobox. In addition to WordPress (or similar CMS), you can also use the website building platforms. Portfoliobox is designed particularly for people involved in art and specializes in creating online portfolios. The main advantage of Portfoliobox is the easy registration process. So, you can create your own website in a couple of minutes. The platform has 6 categories of specializations for you to choose: make-up artists, stylists and models, photographer, designer, artist, illustrators and students. Moreover, it offers a range of additional services, like tips for your portfolio, choosing domain name and more.

  4. Create a domain name. A domain name is a part of the URL that leads to your site. So, pay special attention to choosing the best domain possible. Remember that this is one of the most important parts of your site. Below we will give you several tips on making it the best.

  5. Select a design. Your tattoo work needs decent framing, and that’s when design comes to your aid. Special hosters and WordPress usually offer their exclusive set of themes to choose from. If you are new to that, you can also use Portfoliobox for creating your custom design. Moreover, to make yourself more distinguishable from thousands of other tattoo masters, you can even create a logo of your brand. A proper design and an excellent logo will boost the traffic of your website portfolio.

  6. Classify your content. Last but not least, point of our list. You see, it is a great mistake to simply throw all of your works into a web page like trash. Some artists think it is a good idea as it will show how diverse their works are. On one hand, it is true, yet on the other, you risk too much to confuse your customer.

domain name for website portfolio

How to make a good domain name for website portfolio

Domain name selection:

As we have mentioned before, a domain name is a part of the URL of your site. So, it is the part of the link that leads to your site. So, how to make a good domain name?

  • Keep it short. The maximum domain name is 63 signs, yet no one can remember that much. We advise you to take no more than 10-15 symbols maximum. 
  • Simplify it. Don’t put any numbers or other signs into your domain name. Just letters that make sense. 
  • Make it comprehensible. Try to make a lexical unit out of these symbols that will make sense. Therefore people are more likely to remember the link.
  • Choose your brand’s name. The best way to build an online portfolio that will be popular is to choose the brand’s name as a domain one. If it’s too long, try to shorten it but in a way, people would still understand it’s your brand.

Categories for tattoo website portfolio

By dividing your tattoo work into several categories, you help the customers define their desires quicker. What should you consider when making the categories?

Division of the content by:

  • Price. A great way to ease the choice for your clients is to create several sets of different prices.
  • Picture type. Look at your works and decide whether you can specify them into several groups. For instance, these are some minimalistic tattoos or maybe symbolic ones.
  • Size. This is the most significant point to regard. Many masters set prices depending on the size of the work.

All in all, a good website portfolio will help you to promote your works and gain more clients. So, take your time while creating it. These tips will be useful to you no matter if you’re a professional master or only a beginner.


  • How do I make a tattoo portfolio?

Easily, you only have to take a photo of your works or show your sketches that are the potential tattoos.

  • What should a tattoo portfolio include?

A successful portfolio should include your best works. Usually, there are also classic types of tattoos, like animals, tribal and hieroglyphs.

  • Can my tattoo portfolio be digital art?

Of course, there are a lot of tattoos that can impress with their beauty no less than a classic painting.

  • Do Tattoo artists have portfolios?

Of course, commonly they have digital and printed versions of their portfolios. This is an essential part of promoting their works.

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