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Create a quote

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Create professional quotations tailored to your client's needs, with detailed information, pricing, and terms. Your clients can now accept quotes with a simple click, streamlining the approval process and saving you valuable time.

Create a quote

  1. Click Libraries & Tools.
  2. Choose Quotes & Offers under Business Tools.
  3. Click Add New Quote.
  4. Fill in your Quote information:
    • Your company details
    • Your client details 
    • Description
    • Payment Instructions
    • Terms and Conditions
    • Add a product to the quote
  5. Click Done to save it as a draft.

When an invoice is created, you can change its status and send it to your customer

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Un porfolio en línea elaborado para creativos

Con todas las herramientas que necesita un profesional

  • Cuadrícula dinámica
  • Filas uniformes
  • Proporción áurea
  • Proporción cuadrada
  • Alinear el centro
  • Rompecabezas
  • Aleatorio
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Dos uno
  • Tres uno