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Edit the mobile version of your site

There are several ways to edit the mobile version of your website. 

From your phone

You can edit your mobile styles directly in the mobile preview available in the admin panel. 

Edit the Global Mobile Style

  1. Log into your admin panel on your mobile phone
  2. Click on the Admin Menu at the bottom of the screen
  3. Click on Styles
  4. Choose Mobile
  5. Edit the the global mobile styles

From the admin panel

When editing the mobile styles from the admin panel, it's crucial to have your mobile phone or tablet nearby. This allows you to see the changes in real time by refreshing your website on your mobile device regularly. You can Edit the global mobile styles and the mobile styles of individual elements

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Со всеми инструментами, необходимыми профессионалу

  • Динамическая таблица
  • Четные строки
  • Золотое сечение
  • Соотношение площадей
  • Центр выравнивания
  • Пазл
  • Случайно
  • Горизонтальный
  • Горизонтально 2
  • Горизонтально 3
  • Вертикально
  • Два-один
  • Три-один
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