This article refers to editing the global mobile styles, which will apply to the entire mobile version of your site. You can also edit the mobile style of a specific element on your site, a certain header or paragraph, for example. Editing a specific element will prevail over the global mobile settings.
How to access the Global Mobile Styles
- Go to Styles
- Click the Mobile Icon
Mobile styles
The settings below are available in the global mobile styles
Menu Style
This will define the style of your menu on mobile devices: its position and color.
Here you can define how your gallery images should display on mobile devices: one or two images per row.
Headers, Headers 2, and Headers 3
You can define how your headers will display on mobile devices. You can set the Text Color, Font Size, Line Height, Letter Spacing, Text Alignment, Font Weight, Font Style, Text Decoration, and Uppercase/Lowercase.
Define how your text will display on mobile devices. The settings available are the same as for Headers (see above).
Buttons and Caption Button
Define how your buttons will display on mobile devices. You can set the Border Radius, Border Width, Text Color, Background Color, Font Size, Padding, Line Height, Letter Spacing, Text Alignment, Font Weight, Font Style, Text Decoration, and Uppercase/Lowercase. You can even define its behaviour on hover and set a Text Color and Background Color on hover.
Caption Titles, Caption Subtitles, Caption Text
Define how your image caption will display on mobile devices. The settings available are the same as for Headers (see above).