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Edit Section Styles

You can edit the styles of your sections, which will affect the look of the content within it, by changing its: margins, background & borders, animations, mobiles styles, and/or using the copy / paste option.  

Open Sections Styles

  1. Mouseover the right top corner of a section.
  2. Click on Edit Section.
  3. Click on Styles.

Open Section Styles

Edit the Sections Styles

Desktop Section Styles

In the Styles dialogue, you can adjust the background color, add a section border, choose a top/center/bottom position, set the section height, and modify the padding.

Section Styles

Desktop Background Image

This option allows you to add a background image and specify its behaviour (Image fit, Overlay, Scrolling, Position). 

Section Styles - Background image - Portfoliobox

Desktop Style Settings

Under Settings, you can use the copy/paste function to copy and paste a section style into another section. You can also reset the style of the section, which will remove all the applied styling.

Style Settings Portfoliobox

Mobile Section Styles

Mobile sections styles allow you to adjust section height, padding, and visibility for mobile devices.

Mobile Section Styles

Mobile Background Image

The settings allow you to set the image visibility, adjust the scrolling behavior and position the image on mobile devices.

Mobile Background Image for Section - Portfoliobox

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