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Edit Section Styles

You can edit the styles of your sections, which will affect the look of the content within it, by changing its: margins, background & borders, animations, mobiles styles, and/or using the copy / paste option.  

Edit Sections Styles

  1. Mouseover the right top corner of a section.
  2. Click on Edit Section.
  3. Click on Styles
  4. From there you'll be able to edit:


You can change the margins by editing the top, bottom, left, & right padding of the section. 

Background & Borders

With this option you can add a border to your site, add color or image backgrounds, and specify the behaviour of the background image. 


With a list of 33 animations to choose from, the animations will play automatically when the specific section is displayed on your screen. 

Mobile Styles

With this editing choice you'll be able to edit the padding and background position for your site when viewed on a mobile device.

Copy / Paste Styles

This option allows you to copy and/or paste a sections styles into another section. So if you like the specific edit settings in one of your sections, you can easily copy/paste them into all other sections within your site. 

Edit Secions

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