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Find your orders

Table of Contents

To find your orders, click Libraries & Tools and then choose All Orders under E-Commerce Archives.

Order List

Once you've accessed the order list, you'll see quick information about the order:

  • the order ID
  • the date & time of purchase
  • the client's name
  • the payment status
  • the delivery status
  • the payment method
  • the type of items

You can then search for an order by name or ID and refine your search by selecting the payment status, delivery status, payment method, and item type.

Click the View button to view the complete information about the order. Click the Delete button to delete the order.

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Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

Luovan työn tekijöille tehty verkkoportfolio

Kaikki työkalut, jotka ammattilainen tarvitsee

  • Dynaaminen verkko
  • Tasaiset rivit
  • Kultainen leikkaus
  • Neliösuhde
  • Keskitä
  • Palapeli
  • Satunnainen
  • Vaakasuora
  • Vaakasuora 2
  • Vaakasuora 3
  • Pystysuora
  • kaksi–yksi
  • kolme–yksi
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