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Image background

Add a background image on a page that includes a background image

Add the image

If you choose a template that includes a background image, like a cover page or certain text pages, you can upload the background image by clicking Edit Image at the top of the Cover section.

  1. Click on Edit Image at the top of the Cover section. 
  2. Click on Change Content.
  3. Click on Add Image or Video (or on Change if an image already exist).
  4. Select an image from your Library or upload a new one.

Edit cover images on Portfoliobox

Style the image

Once the image is uploaded, you can style and edit its settings. For example, change its height, position, scrolling setting, or add an overlay colour. 

  1. Click on Edit Image at the top of the Cover section. 
  2. Click on Styles.

Cover Image Styling Option - Portfoliobox

Add a background image on a regular page

You can add a background image on a regular page, i.e. a template that doesn't include a background image.

  1. Click on Edit section.
  2. Click on Styles.
  3. Click on Background image.
  4. Choose a background image and edit its styles.

Add a background image to a section in Portfoliobox

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