
Joana Dionisio


Joana Dionisio Design Assistant

Tell us a bit about yourself

I'm a children's book illustrator and designer! I'm portuguese and moved to the UK to study Illustration and follow my passion of doing art for a living.

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

I love to do book covers! I've done lots of them in University and I'm looking forward to projects that will allow me to use my own illustrations on a cover.

Tell us why it's important for you to have an artist portfolio website

To show your art to the world! It's a great way to quickly show someone your portfolio and branding.

Visit Joana 's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow her on Instagram.

Un portfolio online pensato per i creativi

Con tutti gli strumenti che servono a un professionista

  • Griglia dinamica
  • Righe pari
  • Rapporto aureo
  • Rapporto quadrato
  • Allinea al centro
  • Puzzle
  • Casuale
  • Orizzontale
  • Orizzontale 2
  • Orizzontale 3
  • Verticale
  • Due a uno
  • Tre a uno

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