
Joana Dionisio


Joana Dionisio Design Assistant

Tell us a bit about yourself

I'm a children's book illustrator and designer! I'm portuguese and moved to the UK to study Illustration and follow my passion of doing art for a living.

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

I love to do book covers! I've done lots of them in University and I'm looking forward to projects that will allow me to use my own illustrations on a cover.

Tell us why it's important for you to have an artist portfolio website

To show your art to the world! It's a great way to quickly show someone your portfolio and branding.

Visit Joana 's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow her on Instagram.

Um portfólio online feito para Criativos

Com todas as ferramentas de que um profissional precisa

  • Grelha dinâmica
  • Linhas regulares
  • Número Dourado
  • Proporção Quadrada
  • Alinhar ao Centro
  • Puzzle
  • Aleatório
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Dois-Um
  • Três-Um

Comece agora grátis

Crie já o seu site portfólio online

Crie o seu próprio portfólio
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