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Copy / Paste styles

How it works

Text element

You can copy the style of a text element and paste it into another text element, even a different type of text element. For example, you can copy the style of a header and paste it into a text element. 

Items element

Items elements are Gallery, Link, Services, Teams, Testimonials or Logos. You can only paste their styles into other items elements. For example, you can copy the style of a gallery and paste it into a team element.

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Copy the style of an element

You first need to copy the style of an element.

  1. Right-click on the element whose style you want to copy
  2. Click on Styles
  3. Under Copy / Paste in the right column, click on Copy
  4. A confirmation message will display, click on Ok

Paste the style into an element

Now that you have copied the style, you need to paste it into another element. 

  1. Right-click on the element for which you want to paste the style
  2. Click on Styles
  3. Under Copy / Paste in the right column, click on Paste
  4. A confirmation message will display, click on Paste to paste the style

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