
Emma Louise Wilson


Silver bowl by Emma Louise Wilson

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a silversmith, jeweler and enameler based in Aberdeen in the North East of Scotland. I make fine silver and vitreous enamel jewellery and hand raised bowls in either copper or fine silver with enamel decoration. My work is inspired by the landscapes, seascapes and weather of Scotland. I love to walk along the beach collecting pebbles and listening to the waves.

Tell us about one of your favorite projects and what inspired you to do it

I made a small series of fine silver bowls at the end of last year which I really enjoyed, it's not often I get to use silver for my bowls as it's so expensive so it was a real luxury and I thoroughly enjoyed working with the enamel to create new designs inspired by the sea.

What are you working on at the moment?

At the moment I am working on some larger bowls, the ones I usually make fit into the palm but these new ones will need two hands to hold them!

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

I am inspired by so many people, but I really love the work of jeweler/enamelers Kaori Juzu and Jaqueline Ryan. And my watercolor painting (which I reference in my enamel work) is inspired by the work of the artists Norman Ackroyd and Turner.

What was the last thing that inspired you?>

The North Sea waves!

Tell us why it's important for you to have a website

It was so important to me to have a website, I am a very visual person and I think it really helps to see all my work together in one place. It's a great way to tell people about myself too and as a place for customers to buy my work.

As a Jeweler what are your tips in building an online portfolio website?

My tips for building a online portfolio website would be - keep it simple; don't have too much on there; make it easy for people to navigate; have great images!

How do you promote yourself?

I promote mostly with Instagram and by applying for different projects or funding, entering competitions and taking part in online or in-person markets and fairs.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

I use Portfoliobox because it's easy to set up and easy to change and add to. As someone who knows nothing about coding or HTML, Portfoliobox was a game changer for me, it's just so easy and flexible and looks great!

Visit Emma Louise Wilson's website for more inspiration and follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

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