
Mixed Media Art


True mixed media is a unique art mixture that combines different artful styles, elements, and techniques. The art combination could touch unbelievable items, direct them to make something special, create a curious multistyle composition or designed installation,  and call it a mixed media art object.

Pablo Picasso’s masterpiece is confidently associated with the initial efforts to make the 3D pictures or artworks. The cubism and addition of supporting elements stimulate the imagination of artists and ordinary viewers.            

What do you think when you hear mixed media for the first time? Do you imagine the curious mix of mass and social media? Indeed, it is not a new profitable project implemented by Mark Zuckerberg and Ted Turner.         

The photography sphere could also use mixed media types and innovative design solutions. Photography is the most flexible material to experiment with extraordinary different approaches and styles. Available tools simplify the editing process and improve slight inequalities to receive an unforgettable masterpiece.

If someone has doubts about their artful talents, mixed media art is a helpful supporter to find your hidden talents. Making magnificent portraits or installations with reserved or bold concepts containing balance, portion, or a variety of painting and printing technologies is a key to enjoy your labor of love and run a profitable business.

 Aesthetic value of mixed media art

The nature of mixed media art is unique and requires appreciating the aesthetic value of a painter, an art designer, or a photographer. Making the mixed media works sounds intriguing, but collaborating different styles and artful approaches is impossible without the respective experience, skills, and unique inspiration source.

Art history could be proud of a few names who motivated the new generations of painters and photographers to create the curious arrangements of patterns, shades, and tools. The most famous representative of this exciting direction is Pablo Picasso. His impressive and remarkable pictures inspire his successors to experiment with various mixed media techniques and express themself in each sport of the pictorial images.                

The viewers emphasize that the mixed media art objects could arise opposite and intimate feelings and perceptions when you could touch something beautiful or expand your mental horizons. Making mixed media illustrations and creating unique art objects that absorb different styles and prove the photographer’s professional upgrading could highlight that:

  • your artful tastes become more elegant and gorgeous because you can catch the slight differences and inequalities with massive combinations of art techniques and instruments;
  • you perceive nature as a source of inspiration where you can find various cross-cutting landscape creatures to copy in the art form;
  • your sense of perceptions and feelings enables you to realize the initial art meaning and the creator’s illustration idea;
  • your mental development enhances because you analyze many available tools and compare their similarities and differences to achieve the maximum impressive effects.

mix media art

Mix media art techniques

Mixed media works are popular and have many forms and styles. We all know them, but hardly could identify such illustrations as creative masterpieces.

The pretty modern images compiled by the enthusiast painters have many fans of all times in the US and worldwide:

  • Comics. Curious, advantageous, and fiction stories with pictorial supplements are well-known for youth and adults of several generations. Marvel and DC could confirm that an interesting combination of pen and ink, vivid and dark-shade, create a mysterious collage of mixed-media illustrations. So that we could name these pictures the original human inheritance performed in the XX century.
  • Installations. These intelligent and visually tangible art objects highlight the art gallery exhibitions, the thematic events dedicated to global social challenges, or the significant interior or exterior design elements for fashionable offices or stylish houses. Typically, structures combine different sculpture and crafting modifications and art searches. However, ordinary art devotees could find installations with materials like trash, antique items, clothes, etc. Anyway, the final result should demonstrate the profound meaning of some problem or social crisis needed to draw the people’s attention.
  • Street art objects with 3D effects. The outdoor mono or multi-combined mixed media images on walls, trains, concrete fences, tunnels, and so on are a cry of freedom, creativity, and spirit of youth and nonconformity. The teen-preferred art option ultimately qualifies the true masterpieces, demonstrating a perfect play of colors, shades, and angles.

The examples are not exhaustive and could be supplemented by many modifications of such curious art-and-photography direction.

Mixed media art tools                          

The beginners and the tailored art masters frequently experiment with various crafting and painting tools and items to create highly professional and visually impressive masterpieces. It is not surprising that the mixed media eager has an opportunity to apply different things and tools for magnetic and remarkable pieces of art. The basic materials acceptable for the unique combined compositions form a list of the well-known crafting items:

  • Classic paintbrushes and stationery stuff. The traditional art tools create the fabulous pictures that became the famous painters' inheritance and the well-known galleries are honored to present these artistic masterpieces worldwide. However, if you have the artistic skills and the crafted works prepared at home are also beautiful and worth presenting to someone special.
  • Household tools. Repair equipment, different cleaning and washing devices could be good friends if you try to make mixed-media illustrations and impress people around you. These tools would be practical if you have the exact vision of your future mature work.
  • Make-up items. Cosmetic pens, brushes, lipsticks, and other stuff could make an interesting composition on the sheet of paper. It is an excellent way to highlight the ready-made object of art performed in classical or cubism painting methods.
  • Hands and feet. The easiest and funniest way to make the untypical handmade family portrait and play with kids is to use your hands and feet colored in vivid dyes. The technique does not require special knowledge and skills because everything you need is your imagination. 
  • Rubbish. The old things and recycled objects are specialized materials to make valuable social compositions to reach the maximum influential effects. Frequently their goal is to show the pollution consequences and trash in our minds and thoughts.

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Mixed media photography examples                                                                

Making mixed media masterpieces with artful or philosophical content touches the photography industry. Professional photo masters often use interesting mixed media types to create unique works for each client. Creative searches lead to magnetic and eye-catching results which could be nominated the new Madonna or Mona Liza triumph in the XXI century. In practice, the photographers have more chances to create luxury photos with combined mediums due to the editing and retouching instruments.

Mix media photography


Collage of different styles, materials and techniques

The most popular option applied by photographers helps to vary romantic portraits and professional portfolios, advertisement campaigns, and business presentations. Your photos would always have a creative and exciting look, mainly if the master uses a bit of photoshopping tools.



Photos could add the interesting, socially valuable compositions presented in specialized exhibitions or become a part of the particular art project. For example, a range of captured elements ordered and installed on the wall could form the whole picture of some influential massage.


Crafting supplements

The mixed media photos preferably harmonize with the tangible elements, decors, and minor things, which lovely improve the general photo sense. The romantic photo session pictures with sunny colored cloth and backdrops could be highlighted by the artful tools applied on the appropriately edited and printed versions.


Cartoon and movie compositions

The interesting outputs, you may receive, include some animated-picture design, inserts, and graphics to obtain easy-going and attractive images. You can also use the layer-by-layer option to make a single portrait from the facial or body parts of different people.

3D photos

These photos are worth naming the revolution and the future of the photography industry because they use advanced UX technologies for photo editing and special 3D printing machines to receive tangible results.

Mixed media allows the user to experiment with styles and angles, making the general perception of the outcome more effective and wonderful. Also, when we talk about mixed media elements in photography, even the ordinary art fan could appreciate the works which       harmoniously combine different styles and retouching elements to transform the simple captures into unique art objects.


  • What is mixed media in art?

The well-combined application of similar or polar artful techniques and tools could create fantastic masterpieces like illustrations, sculptures, original portraits, photography art objects, etc. So, the mixed media creative works are an extraordinary element for modern art history.

  • What are the main categories of mixed media?

The classical mixed media explanation refers to the painting experiments with colored pencil, ink, ribbons, and other crafting attributes. The digital mixed media combines the 3D effects on the captures and visual manipulations. Anyway, both results will be impressive and unique.

  • What are three types of mixed media artworks?

The most popular mixed media artworks are collage, sculpture, installation art, texturing, mono-printing, etc. Due to many creative ideas, the artists and designers feel free to create a new collaborative masterpiece.

  • Why do artists use mixed media?

Making mixed media artworks is a perfect way to realize the artful ambitions and highlight some space or interior design with unique items. The starting designers, artists, or photographers could create their brand name and make their works memorable if they use simple collage, installation, or 3D effects.

  • What are the elements of mixed media art?

Typically, you can find several features acceptable for mixed media art, including balance, repetition, contrast, variety, proportion, and focus. A designer could use several pieces to interpret the desirable vision of the future artful masterpiece.

  • Is mixed media art sold?

The well-created and originally designed art object combining different supplementary styles is a highly income-making product. The ambitious and extraordinary personalities appreciate the unique artworks to continue their business concept or nature and provide the constant demand for your deliverables.

An online portfolio made for Creatives

With all the tools a professional needs

  • Dynamic Grid
  • Even Rows
  • Golden Ratio
  • Square Ratio
  • Align Center
  • Puzzle
  • Random
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Two-One
  • Three-One

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