
Great Tools for UX/UI Designers


In practice, UX design tools provide information architecture and multi-frame scenarios for high-performance work of online resources like website back-end development. Opposite to UX, UI design tools demonstrate website front-end achievements or visual elements, graphics, layouts, and colors.

A clickable website with an increasing target audience results from the harmonically combined web engineering and graphic options you can manage with an understandable toolkit of productive web-design software.

Our Portfoliobox team of UX/UI design gurus selects the ten best apps for unique website patterns, illustrative posts, and exciting business presentations, including

  • Sketch;
  • Figma;
  • InVision Studio;
  • Adobe XD;
  • Marvel;
  • Craft;
  • UXPin;
  • Origami Studio;
  • FlowMapp;



The all-in-one web design platform offers beneficial opportunities for individuals and organizations. The e-commercial giants like Facebook, Google, MIT, Stripe, and X-box have highly assessed this multifunctional graphic vector as one of the best UX / UI design tools. Hence, a native macOS app allows leveraging several essential features to create personal web projects:

  • Straightforward workplace for excellent prototyping. You can apply available plugins and try to develop personal web projects. The generated link you may share with others helps improve the final version on any device or browser;
  • Real-time collaboration. If you order a corporate package, you will have access to the cloud storage and work over the single project with different specialists to control the set timeframe compliance and outlined objectives;
  • Workspaces to unify developers, designers, and stakeholders. As a continuation of the previous benefit, Sketch freely opens an ultimately customized service to design a website and monitor the process. In addition, stakeholders or clients could verify each work milestone to eliminate bugs or omissions in the term of references;
  • Free trial version for 30 days. Controversy to its commercial competitors, Sketch prolongs a no-fee exploration twice. As such, a random user could enjoy this UX/UI design software longer than a standard duration - for 14 days.



Professional graphic editor with prototyping and whiteboarding features dictates cutting-edge web design solutions which combine minimalism and individual styles. Twitter, Zoom, Slack, Dropbox, Deliveroo, New York Times, Github, and others empowered innovative brands with Figma’s comprehensive design vision. In particular, its strengths comprise

  • Client-centric UX/UI design apps. Regardless of Sketch's native macOS capacities, Figma is a universal tool available on Windows, Mac, and all mobile software versions. In addition, some system options could operate offline productively and without missing inputs;
  • Segmetized products. This UX/UI design software distributes its products in line with the inquiries of potential users. As such, you may find simple Figma for starting and pro web designers, FigmaJam for team brainstorming activities to build creative whiteboard presentations, and Enterprise version for corporation scaling design and powerful data security options. Each product package allows for management admin privileges and practice team cooperation in one place;
  • Community advantages. Figma includes free templates you may readjust and rebuild. Also, you may extend automatic work via available plugins and widgets. If you are a beginner in UX or UI, the Figma membership offers you a brief, understandable education program about leveraging its opportunities and design tools;
  • Differentiated price range. Figma’s price policy takes into account different categories of its customers. For instance, starters could enjoy primer Figma prototyping and whiteboard products freely. According to customer status, professionals and organizations must pay from 3 to 45 USD per month. The enterprise package requires up to 75 USD per month.

InVision Studio

InVision Studio

This screen design solution updates an assortment of software products to transform ideas into successful products. Starbucks, Adidas, H&M, The Economist, Google, and IBM, highlight InVision credibility and productivity. This welcoming UX / UI design software has its specific characteristics:

  • Collaborative canvas to work wherever you are. Affordable platform from automatically clickable opportunities to manual design adjustment opens interactive templates and proper workflow opportunities due to boolean data type; 
  • Flexible spaces for teamwork. InVision is famous in web design circles for its integration capabilities. Working with its products satisfies the particular project team requirements due to Zoom or Microsoft Teams' real-time collaboration. To discover this user interface design software, you may learn tutorials and simplify your efforts in visualizing processes;
  • Best pricing. Only three commercial packages identify toolkits for individuals, collaborative teams, and enterprises. InVision demonstrates a preferable pricing division for each client segment.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD

Adobe XD represents a web-design product under the umbrella of Adobe software solutions. Despite high monthly fees, this tool owns a range of specifications that reveal uniqueness proved by Equinox, Publicis Sapient, and Barclays:

  • Incredible user interface design software. Available templates and a kit of UI editing tools fuel your imagination with plenty of colors and layouts. Once you decide to build web projects or interactive business presentations full of dashboards, illustrations, scenarios, and other clickable components;
  • Community affiliation. When you work with Adobe XD, your account could collaborate with other team members to make the web development process relevant and flexible. DevOps engineers could monitor designers’ activities, and the last ones check back-end improvements in line with interface reactions;
  • Synchronization with the best UI design tools. Sketch, Photoshop, or Illustrator get web design insights to create a website with well-balanced visibility and content effects.



This web design platform, firstly associated with one of the most profitable cinematography companies, refers to fast and professional prototyping, testing, and graphic adjustment activities. BuzzFeed, BlaBlaCar, Stripe, Mode, Trainline, Monzo, and Typeform qualify this app as high-performance and multitasking.

  • Straightforward workplace for integration options. With Marvel tools, you may create interactive mockups, validate design at speed, automize the design process, and optimize your work with integrated testing, communication, and interface design apps;
  • Cross-cutting issues. Marvel foresees helpful education webinars and launches special university courses to upgrade your web design skills. Its tutorials and training references significantly discover new horizons provided by UI/UX design apps;
  • Logic pricing frame. If you explore Marvel workspaces for your interactive projects, you may choose an appropriate package for a reasonable price. The free, pro, team, or enterprise version helps bring your ideas into reality.



This graphic web editor harmoniously supports Apple computer and mobile software. Approved by Meta, Amazon, Shapr3, Skyscanner, or Uber, Craft could attract millions of team members thanks to its unique features:

  • Customized web design solutions. Each Craft design tool proclaims effective results you may reach when transforming your inputs from idea to impact. UI design software deliverables may inspire you to craft amazing documents, presentations, and web resources here. Integration opportunities allow attracting teams and startup web designers to coordinate mutual efforts for productive cooperation. Also, you may convert all your outputs into useful PDF or doc format;
  • Complementary products for improved UX/UI design software productivity. If you are frustrated with perfect design concept searches, Craft showcases templates to simplify your creative research;
  • Preferable price offers. You may be impressed by the preferable pricing range by comparing the Craft features with their costs. The individual or advanced usage criteria differentiate the adequate fees.



If you expect to work with the best UI and UX design tools that approach simplicity and consistency, UXPin is the interface development software you are looking for. Interactive patterns for computer and mobile web editing activities make UXPin a high-performance tool. But for its narrow specialization, UXPin is famous for a few features, including:

  • Comprehensive new merge opportunities. Recently, UXPin has impressed its clients with a new commercial option - Merge. In practice, you may deal with flexible integration opportunities and encourage a web development team to accumulate mutual resources for their goal achievement. In addition, the integration will expand your UI design software components and functional prototypes, establishing a coherent chain of essential web engineering steps;
  • Valuable UI and UX development philosophy. UXPin takes into account any detail influencing the web design process. Mockups, prototypes, and wireframes are allowed to find a golden mean between visibility and content blocks; 
  • Accessible pricing. Choosing one of the available UXPin functional packages gives users a chance to save their budget if they subscribe to an annual fee version. Besides, this web design software recommends you try a free trial to assess available capacities before paying a fee.

Origami Studio

Origami Studio

Once you have downloaded Origami Studio, you can hardly stand away from web designing. Inspired illustrative and animated patterns encourage you to start working anywhere. To get involved in Origami web designing, you may distinguish its opportunities compared to the previous UI or UX-oriented web design software solutions:

  • Merged exploration activities. The all-in-platform divides the operation activities into three phases. The initial stage discovers tools and functions you may use to implement your project. The original work concept resembles codding; however, interactions are more simplified. At any step, you may review interim or final versions and share the link with stakeholders for independent assessment;
  • Social media community. Origami unifies its current and random clients in social media channels to manage organic traffic successfully. Social media posts help promote web design activities and demonstrate the advantages of Origami Studio 3 to this end;
  • Available documentation for training activities. If you confuse designing web architecture with colorful graphics, Origami gives you access to practical education tutorials.



FlowMapp is a professional in the world of web design engineers. However, FlowMapp is the ultimate UX design software preferable by UNICEF, Der Spiegel, Danfoss, Intel, and others and discovers its features:

  • Intuitive sitemaps for different users. Web designers, project managers, copywriters, and freelancers are not an exhaustive list of users who love to investigate FlowMapp opportunities;
  • Well-adjusted operation approach. You may develop websites and enjoy a kit of tools that unify elaboration, collection, communication, synchronization, and collaboration activities;
  • Discount practices. The FlowMapp’s pricing splits product packages into four groups. Users could save their funds if they ordered an annual prescription instead of a monthly fee. means powerful prototyping functions. Its multifunctional products are agreed upon by scalable companies like Amazon, King, PayPal, IDEO, Showtime, and millions of passionate individual users. After a 15-day free trial, you may emphasize the following features:

  • Comprehensive web builder. This UX/UI design software combines assortments of templates, patterns, and video and audio components. Moreover, every design action is accompanied by HTML code components. Indeed, programming-like web architecture will become exciting with collaboration and integration options;
  • Regulated security standards. Working in a cloud environment to create unique encryption obeys strict security policies according to international declarations and principles;
  • Packaged price offers. You may order a package of services in line with your demands and requirements.


Which tools are used in UI/UX design?

Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, Marvel, FlowMapp, and other UI/UX design apps refer to the global IT market giants and occupy a significant niche ratio due to their specifications and unique offers. However, each tool requires prior knowledge or skills to turn imagination into real projects.

Do UX designers use Figma?

In practice, UX designers could use different web design apps. Their choice is based on several criteria set personally. Figma is preferable to UX designers due to its well-balanced quality, price, and additional integration features.

Do UX/UI designers use Photoshop?

Despite widespread assumptions about Photoshop as a UX/UI web design tool, many UX/UI web designs, project managers, and DevOps engineers do not qualify Photoshop appropriately for that purpose. Low performance and restricted user interface development toolkits refer to Photoshop, a middle ranged photo editing software.

Do UI designers need to draw?

Drawing skills are not necessary for the UI designer's CV or portfolio. Of course, prior knowledge about color, commercial symbolism, and geometrical aspects could become valuable. But, practical and multifunctional web design software is the best solution to optimize your work.

What is the difference between Figma and Canva?

The general operation concept for Figma and Canva is similar and aims at creating curious graphic projects. The only difference is that Figma is a comprehensive tool dedicated to developing user interfaces for web resources. In contrast, Canva is a software for web marketing design or illustrative social media posts.

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