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Add animations to your website

Animations help you improve the user experience, highlight an element, or simply bring some motion to your website.

Element Animations

  1. Right click on an element
  2. Click on Styles
  3. Click on Animations
  4. Choose the animations you want in the list

See an example of elements fading & sliding in from different directions: bonbon.pb.store/contactus.

Hover Animations for Galleries

  1. Right click on a gallery
  2. Click on Styles
  3. Click on Animations
  4. Choose the Animation on Enter and the Hover effect

On this page bonbon.pb.store/patisserie, Animation on Enter is fade-random, and Hover Effect is darken. 

Hover Background Animations

We have added hover animations for background images. This will work on templates that include a background image: all the cover templates, some of the text and music templates. 

  1. Right click on a background image
  2. Click on Styles
  3. Click on Animations
  4. Choose the Animation on Enter and the Hover effect

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