
보기 ${remains} 더 많은 기사

Troubleshooting login issues

Here are the most common reasons why you can't log into your account. 

Wrong email address

Make sure you're using the email address that you submitted when creating your account. If you can't remember which email address you submitted, please get in touch with our support team.

Wrong password

If you forgot your password, click on "Login with a verification code". You will then receive an email with a temporary verification code. 

Wrong verification code

The Verification Code expires after a short period, for security reasons, so be sure to use it as soon as possible. If the message "Wrong code" displays, please make sure you paste the right code and that the code is still active. If not, just start over and request a new code.

Didn't receive verification code

Please check your spam folder. Make sure to whitelist the email address "service@portfoliobox.net".

Entered the wrong codes several times

If you enter an incorrect password or verification code multiple times, you will be temporarily blocked from logging in. Please wait a while and try again later.

Other reason

If you're sure your email address and password/verification code are correct, and you cannot log in, please contact our support team. 

Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

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  • 동적 그리드
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