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Your subscription

Changing your subscription plan

You can upgrade or downgrade your account to another plan than the one you're currently using.


Click the Upgrade button at the upper right corner of your admin panel. Choose the plan you want to upgrade to. The switch will be made immediately after the payment is made.

  • If you are on the Light plan, you can upgrade to the Personal and Professional plans.
  • If you are on the Personal plan, you can upgrade to the Professional plan.

Upgrade your Portfoliobox 4 account


To downgrade your account,

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Under Account, click on Subscription.
  3. Click on Downgrade.
  4. Fill in why you wish to downgrade.
  5. Click on Downgrade Account to confirm the downgrade.

NB! Downgrading your plan will not cancel your subscription. Your account will be downgraded at the end of the billing period, and you can restore the premium account anytime during that period. 


Cancel your subscription

If you want to stop the payment renewal, you must cancel your subscription or delete your account.

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Under Account, click on Subscription.
  3. Click on Cancel Subscription.
  4. Fill in why you wish to cancel the subscription.
  5. Click on Cancel Subscription to confirm.

NB! Your subscription will be cancelled at the end of the billing period, but you can restore the premium account anytime during that period. For example, if your Pro account is renewed on April 18, your subscription will be cancelled on that date. 

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