Robin Michael Sampayan

Robin Michael Sampayan Photographer

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

One of my favourite projects was when I went to Toronto. I just roamed all over the city on foot to just take in all the views and see what I could frame with my camera. It was amazing because the more I took a shot, the more inspired I wanted to frame more.

What are you working on at the moment?

Right now, I am currently just going out everyday and see what photos I can take around the town I live in at the moment, which is Kelowna.

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

The main street photographers that have influenced are Saul Leiter, Fred Herzog, and Ernst Haas.

What was the last thing that inspired you?

The last thing that inspired me was my photo community in the town I live in, they sort of helped me get back into my love for photography.

Tell us why it's important for you to have a portfolio website

After years of making photography just a hobby, I wanted to expand and make it more than just that. I built the website to showcase my work not just to network with potential clients, but also to inspire people to pick up a camera and go out to shoot whatever it is they find shot worthy.

As a photographer what are your tips in building a photographer website?

A good tip would definitely be to organize your work; You do not want viewers to be given headaches scrolling around your site, you want to make sure everything is in order for easier viewing. Arrange your work in categories and link them at the top of your website.

How do you market yourself?

I market/promote myself through as many social media apps I can post on. Mainly, it has been Instagram but I am expanding my work to other platforms such as twitter, facebook, and even tiktok.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

I use portfoliobox to shwocase my work so that I can be able to gain more recognition for potential clients mainly.

Visit Robin Michael's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow him on Instagram.

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Graphic with a prominent call-to-action message at the top
Graphic with a prominent call-to-action message at the top
Graphic with a prominent call-to-action message at the top
Graphic with a prominent call-to-action message at the top
Graphic with a prominent call-to-action message at the top

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