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Add shipping weight

Open the product settings

To add shipping weight to a product, you first need to open the product settings:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Click Your Products in the E-commerce section.
  3. Click on Edit next to the product you want to edit.
  4. The product dialogue is now open, and you can see the product details (Title, Description, Price, etc.)
  5. Click Product Settings at the top right corner of the dialogue window and choose Shipping.

Add shipping weight

Now that you reached the shipping editor, you can set the shipping weight of your product:

  1. The switch "This is a Physical Product" is turned on by default. However, if you sell digital products or services, you can turn this switch off.
  2. To edit the shipping weight of your product, simply enter the new weight in kilograms. 

Add shipping weight

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