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Become a partner school

Becoming our partner school is totally free of charge and commitment. If you are a teacher and would like to register your school as our partner school, you can head to the school registration page. The field your name and your teacher's name can be the same, and then provide your email address and telephone number for registration follow-up. After submitting the form, we will contact the teacher as soon as possible.

Due to GDPR, students must be over 16 years of age to use our services. 

Once your school is registered as our partner school, you will receive a sign-up link for your students. To enjoy the free student account offer, your students must sign up via this link. If your students already have a Portfoliobox account and want to convert it to a student account, they can contact our customer support team.

Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

작가를 위한 온라인 포트폴리오

전문가에게 필요한 모든 도구 제공

  • 동적 그리드
  • 짝수 행
  • 황금비율
  • 화면 비율
  • 가운데 정렬
  • 퍼즐
  • 무작위
  • 가로
  • 가로 2
  • 가로 3
  • 세로
  • 투-원
  • 쓰리-원