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Embed Bandcamp tracks and albums

Bandcamp is an online music platform that empowers artists and bands to present, sell, and stream their music. It's favoured for its artist-friendly model, offering a customisable space for musicians to connect with their audience and monetise their work.

Get the iframe code from Bandcamp

  1. Visit Bandcamp and choose the track or album you wish to embed.
  2. Click Share / Embed below the cover.
  3. A new window will appear, choose iframe.
  4. Click Embed this track.
  5. Customise the player as you wish (size, colours, layout)
  6. Keep HTML selected.
  7. Copy the embed code at the top of the editor.

Add the Bandcamp element to your Portfoliobox site

  1. In your Portfoliobox site, right-click on an element
  2. In the Context menu, click Add Element Below.
  3. Go down to Embed.
  4. Choose Bandcamp and click Add.

The element is added but is empty. You now need to paste the code from Bandcamp.

Paste the Bandcamp iframe code

  1. Righ-click the Bandcamp element you just added.
  2. Choose Change content.
  3. Paste the iframe code.
  4. Click Save.

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