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Embed Marvel App Prototypes

Marvel app is a design and prototyping tool that allows designers to easily create interactive, mobile, and web interfaces, providing a collaborative platform for user testing and feedback. It streamlines the design process, from wireframing to prototyping, without the need for coding.

Get the iframe code from Marvel app

  1. Login to your Marvel app account.
  2. Open the prototype you wish to embed on your website.
  3. Click the Share button at the top right corner.
  4. A new window will appear, choose Embed.
  5. Click Copy.

Add the Marvel app element to your Portfoliobox site

  1. In your Portfoliobox site, right-click on an element.
  2. In the Context menu, click Add Element Below.
  3. Go down to Embed.
  4. Choose Marvel and click Add.

The element is added but is empty. You now need to paste the code from Marvel app.

Paste the Marvel app iframe code

  1. Righ-click the element you just added.
  2. Choose Change content.
  3. Paste the iframe code of your Marvel prototype.
  4. Click Save.

Style the element

Change the element's style to edit its width and height if needed.

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