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Reorder blog posts

All blog posts added to your website are sorted by date. They are displayed from newest to oldest, with the newest posts always at the top. If you want to change the order of your blog posts, you can edit the blog post date in post settings.

To change the blog date

  1. Click on Edit.
  2. Choose Blog Posts.
  3. Click Edit next to a post in the posts list.
  4. Click on Post Settings in the top right corner of the pop-up.
  5. Click on the calendar icon and select date & time.
  6. Close the blog post settings and refresh the page to see changes.

Tips: The 'calendar icon' is your key to flexibility. When configuring a date, you can select a future date. This allows you to schedule a post, which will automatically be published at a future date and time, making your blog management more efficient.

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