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Transfer a site to another user

You may need to transfer ownership of a website to another user. To make this process seamless and secure, we've implemented a straightforward transfer feature. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to transfer ownership of a website to another user within our platform. 

Step 1: Initiating the Transfer

  1. Click the Ellipsis Icon (three dots) icon associated with that website.
  2. Select "Transfer Ownership"
  3. A new window will prompt you to enter the email address of the user to whom you wish to transfer the website. Make sure to double-check the email address for accuracy.
  4. After entering the recipient's email address, click the button labelled Send Confirmation Email. This action initiates the transfer process.

Step 2: Verification and Confirmation

  1. Confirm the transfer with the Verification Code sent to your email address.
  2. Once the verification code is successfully entered, a transfer request email will be sent automatically to the new owner's email address. This email will contain details about the transfer, including the website in question.

Step 3: Accepting the Transfer

The new website owner will receive the transfer request email. They will have the option to accept the transfer.

If the transfer is accepted, the website ownership will be transferred instantly to the new owner, along with any associated subscriptions.

Important Notes

  • Subscription Transfer: The subscription associated with the website will be transferred to the new user.
  • Transfer Request Validity: The transfer request email sent to the new owner is valid for 24 hours. 
  • Renewal Date Restriction: Please note that you cannot initiate a transfer if the renewal date for the website is less than 3 days away. This restriction is in place to prevent any disruption in service due to pending renewals.

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