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Understanding the quote status

Quote Status

quote status


When you first create a quote, it is saved as a draft. At this stage, you can still edit your quote, add products, edit the date, customer's name and email address, add payment instructions, etc.

If you accidentally changed the status of a quote from Draft to Sent, before it was ready to be sent, you can duplicate it, and then change its status to Cancelled


To be able to send a quotation to a customer, you first need to change its status to "Sent". At this stage, the quote cannot be edited.  


When your customer accepts a quote, its status is automatically changed to "Accepted".


If a quote is no longer valid or needs to be replaced, change its status to "Cancelled".

Edit the status of a quote

To edit the status of a quote:

  1. Click Libraries & Tools.
  2. Choose Quotes & Offers.
  3. Hover over the quote you wish to edit and click Edit.
  4. In the status dropdown, select a new status for your quote.

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