
Dasly- Artist


Dasly Artist

Tell us a bit about yourself

Davide Mattera, known as Dasly (1984 Italy), multidisciplinary artist and international tattoo artist living in Barcelona, Spain.

I approached street art at a young age, using the walls as a canvas. Always fascinated by what was underground, against the system and outside the box, I discovered tattooing.

I've been tattooing in ornamental and tribal style for 16 years, in different countries and continents, and this has allowed me to explore different cultures, to touch with my hands what I had read in anthropology books, to discover and deepen different art forms, from the craftsmanship of the Amazon tribes to Tibetan painting.

In fact, my art is inspired by Folk art, Graffiti, Pre-Columbian art, Indian art, African art, Primitive art and my personal studies on the esoteric world. Also influenced by the surrealist painting current and great artists such as Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, DeChirico or the futurist Depero.

Scenarios or objects in the foreground, heavy, textured, lived, referring to a mystical imagination, recreating places or situations that remain in a timeless parallel dimension, are the expression of concepts contained in my inner being.

Visionary paintings in their hybrid fusion, which I do not like to categorize in an artistic current, but rather become my personal language of expression.

I believe that art is creation and man the creator, and as such, I am interested in his complete process.

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

"The courtyard of Babylon" is a series of which I am particularly proud, I was able to combine my great passion for the ancient worlds and the 'esotericism, creating different paintings that represent the essence of those peoples, craftsmanship and local art. Time and its absence is one of my fundamental pillars when I paint, timeless is the word that best describes my creations.

What are you working on at the moment?

I am currently working on a series of paintings inspired by ancient Babylonian art, combining modern street art with an ancient and vintage flavor, the research and creation process fascinates me, and I am having a lot of fun with this project, which will soon see the light of day in exhibitions around the world.

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

Great artists of the past as Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, Giorgio de Chirico, Depero and so on.

What was the last thing that inspired you?

Everything that has to do with the mystical side of life is a great influence on me, from the various arts, such as photography, sculpture, writing and so on.

Tell us why it's important for you to have an artist portfolio website

A website in 2022 is indispensable. We are in the era of social media, it is true, but we must not forget that they are platforms of other companies, we artists in a certain way depend on their rules. Having your own space online today is truly essential.

As a professional artist what are your tips in building an artist portfolio website?

"The level of attention of people and 'reduced a lot in recent years, there are many continuous stimuli, we are inundated with information, for example, videos of 30 seconds already seem an eternity. My advice is to communicate immediately with your site. It depends a lot on the type, for example, the web of an artist must make it clear to the viewer what it is, as soon as you enter the site, as well as in an e-commerce, people want to have a fast buying process. "

How do you market yourself?

Through social networks, like Instagram, is a great way to let the world know about your work, in my case.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

I have tried different platforms before, but I have to be honest, Portfolio box is really intuitive and complete. In my case, I built a website in 2 hours. It's very fast, both in loading and previews, it allows you to explore different themes and customize them with extreme ease.

As God said, crossing his legs, there are millions of poets today, but less poetry. C.B.

Visit Dasly's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow him on Instagram

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