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Hide the menu on a page

By default, your website has a menu displayed at the top of your site. You can change its position or hide it from a page. You can hide the menu on certain pages. You can do this from the page settings or by right-clicking on the menu when editing that page.

There are two ways to hide the menu on a specific page:

From the Menu Settings

Hide the menu on a page from the menu settings: 

  1. Hover your mouse over to your main menu
  2. On the upper right corner of your main menu, click the Edit Menu button
  3. Select Hide menu on this page option
  4. A small pop-up window will show up; click the Hide option to proceed
  5. You will have to refresh or reload your page to see the changes

    Hide Menu - Menu Settings

NB! To display the menu on a page again, use the Page Settings method described below.

From the Page Settings

Hide the menu on a page from the page settings: 

  1. Click on Edit in the top-left corner.
  2. Select the option Your Pages, under Edit Pages.
  3. Hover over your page and click Settings.
  4. Toggle the Hide the Menu on this Page.

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