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All link types

When adding a new link to your website, you have to select the link type. Portfoliobox offers many link types such as Scroll to Top, Scroll to Section, PDF link, Phone link, an external link, and others...

If you don't know how to add a link, you can check one of the following articles first: Text link, Image link, Button link

When adding a link, you will see the following list:

Each option corresponds to a different link type.

  • One of Your Pages: adds a link to an existing page on your site.
  • Your Start Page: adds a link to a start page. (If you haven't set your start page, you can check the following article: Setting your start page)
  • One of your Products: adds a link to an E-commerce product on your website.
  • An External Link: adds a link that leads outside Portfoliobox, to a different website.
  • An Email Address: adds a link, that sends an email.
  • Phone: adds a link, that calls your phone number. Enter the phone in the following format: 18475555555
  • Scroll to Top: adds a link that returns you back to the top of page.
  • Scroll to a Section on this Page: adds a link that moves you to an existing section on a page.
  • A PDF: embeds a PDF file on your website (Adding a link to PDF)

Scroll to Top linkScroll to Top GIF

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