How to Make a Good Logo: Complete guide for you

 All this is built into one system, where the elements do not interfere but complement each other. That is, the brand communicates with us at different levels: using images, photos, graphics, typography.

What tasks and functions do company logos perform?

It is a multifunctional item. Thoughtful company logos pursue several goals at the same time. Here are the key ones:

  • Brand awareness. Humanity has developed a stereotype: the familiar is not dangerous, that is, good. For this reason, marketers are very fond of massive media pressure, trying to do everything so that the logo is always in sight.
  • Achieving marketing goals. The logo design is developed by a whole team of multidisciplinary specialists. The result of the work of professionals is a print that can convey the values ​​of the organization.
  • Detachment from competitors. One of the company's key objectives is to stand out from the crowd. The logo design helps make this happen brilliantly.
  • The ability to manipulate the minds of people. If you think about it, everyone will remember that when they saw a glass of coffee on a poster or billboard, they caught themselves thinking about the desire to drink a hot drink. A timely mention of a hamburger increases the feeling of hunger. Millions are spent every day associating company logos with the products or services they offer.
  • Increased customer loyalty. It has been proven that the image is perceived better than the text. If the picture is made in the right colors, thought out, you like it. Including the subconscious, which is projected onto the product/service. 

Designing a logo: Competent briefing

Company logos: color decides

Before building a brand begins, you need to ask and get intelligible answers to the following questions:

  • "Who is the client?"
  • "Who is the target audience?"
  • "What do you need to get as a result?"

Designing a logo should organically grow from the answers to these questions, and not impose its solution to the problem with various graphic elements. The problematics itself should dictate the graphic solution. Unfortunately, this is often ignored or misinterpreted. This does not mean that you have to obediently fulfill every whim of the client. This does not mean that design thinking should be sublimated. This means that you need to get as much information as possible, analyze it, define criteria, and create the only correct creative solution.

Now more about the questions and answers. Who is the client? In its simplest form, it refers to the company's values, positioning, and goals. Who is the audience? You can approach this issue from a demographic point of view - women 19-34, or psychographic - athletic physique men who prefer adventure. And even more specifically, who makes the final decision on the logo? Is it the CMO who hired the agency to create the logo, or is it the owner of the company that none of the agencies has ever met? And the last thing - What do you want to get in the end? Will creating your logo design be the solution to all problems, or is it really a poor quality product, unskilled staff, or failed management? Maybe the new logo will just get bogged down in the bog of an advertising department headed by a lay manager?

The answers to these questions will help solve these problems before advertisers and designers rush to the embrasures. One amendment, the fact is that the current business of the client can be radically different from his plans for the future. Therefore, it is worth clarifying what the client expects from his business in the next five to ten years. Any company develops and changes. Company size, product line, and needs are in constant flux. While the client actually has only a small regional business with one product in the line, his goal may be to take over the market and increase the product line. But human nature tends to focus on current needs and the task of the designer is to anticipate the client's needs in the future.

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Company logos: color decides

It is one of the most important parameters. It should be selected based on the characteristics of the consumers and the product. It is advisable to make logos of children's companies in gentle shades, and for brands aimed at men - in brutal, sometimes provocative ones. Trademarks focused on naturalness and environmental friendliness, prefer different shades of green, and those related to water - blue. The connection is obvious.

Choosing colors for designing a logo:

  • Feminine,
  • Courageous,
  • Playful,
  • Serious,
  • Luxurious,
  • Available,
  • Classical,
  • Modern,
  • Youth,
  • Mature,
  • Muted,
  • Bright.

Creation of your logo design 

We are known by our name. We hate to be described as "the guy who lives on this street and works in the pharmacy" or "that woman with straight hair who owns the transportation business." It is not pleasant and is easily forgotten. Likewise, the logo should not literally describe the client's business. The development of a company logo is the creation of a kind of identifier. Many clients would like their logo to reflect every aspect of their company, and this is only natural - they are proud of it! But this is very problematic and usually leads to the fact that the image of the company is blurred. A logo is a pointer that identifies a company and reflects brand positioning as well as its value.

A logo is a kind of link, a visual language that is quickly recognized and remembered. Do not confuse the viewer with lengthy explanations about all aspects of your company. It is much better to address the consumer with a simple and clear message.

 Designing a logo - Become aware of the flaws

A well-designed logo design will always help a good product realize its full potential. Smart design combined with the right advertising campaign can make a huge impact. The logo gives direction, supports positioning, and stimulates the first purchase, and only the quality of the product and service will make the consumer come to you again and again.

Creation of your logo design - Keep it simple

Message. There is a lot of debate in design circles about the appropriateness of complex visual shapes in logos (read more about the psychology of logo shape perception). Over the past 50 years, the idea of ​​a logo as a visually complex and unwieldy element has almost disappeared. Of course, the message should be the most important part of the logo design, but the form should also appeal to the viewer.

Simple info. It's nice when logo designs are visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing, but logos are most successful when they are simple and dynamic. Unfortunately, there has not yet been a client who considered his business simple. Products, services, and companies are complex in nature. People interact, natural evolution changes internal culture, and society as a whole is constantly changing. The logo, however, must remain a clear identifier of the customer. Because the logo will only be visible for a moment and the use of easily recognizable shapes is very important.

Remember that the logo will also be constantly abused by either the manufacturing process or the creative mind of the designer. A simple form will survive these influences, while a more complex form cannot.

Focus on memorability when creating a logo design

If we try to understand how our memory works, then we will see 4 main memorization processes:

  1. A person perceives form and color. All of our visual sensations are based on this. Square and red, or round and yellow? How we read letters, how we identify faces, shapes, and color is the basis of this skill.
  2. After the shape and color of the shape have been determined, we look at it in the context of historical continuity. We ask ourselves, "Does it look modern, Victorian, or Medieval?" "Does this have anything to do with me at this time?"
  3. We then use the information we have to form a value. We were taught very specific ideas from infancy: blue is masculine, pink is feminine, red light means stop, green light means go.
  4. The meaning of such mnemonics is closely related to the emotional association. This can be very personal and difficult to predict. If a green car hit you when you were a child, you may have disgust for green objects. If your mom prefers Chanel No 5, you may feel warmer (or other more complex emotions) seeing the Chanel logo. Awareness and use of these four attributes provide all the necessary tools to design a company logo in the context of its memorability. At the same time, creating a logo implies creating emotional involvement.

Creation of logo design company - Ask a question

When we eat something, our consciousness asks, "What is this taste?" and the receptors respond - "This is chocolate." The same happens when we watch TV, listen to music, or read a book. This is part of our thought process. The books and television programs that we find the most uninteresting are often the most predictable. If the viewer knows all the facts, there is no particular reason for him to process the information. On the other hand, if some questions remain unanswered, and the viewer has to answer on his own, he will be forced to spend more time and, therefore, let the object into his comfort zone. However, there is an extremely thin line between a question that invites reflection and an insoluble question. A visual solution that will take hours to interpret or that needs an accompanying text is not a good solution.


Make a long-lasting logo design


Every hour we are attacked by an endless array of images and ideas. Our visual landscape consists of billboards and signage, television commercials, print advertising, packaging messages, and other forms of visual communication. Almost each of these messages comes in conjunction with a logo, but many of them have little impact and are quickly forgotten. Ideas that impress are ideas that resonate with us emotionally. Style and newfangled trends can be extremely tempting, but they rarely have an enduring emotional resonance. Once logos had to have b/w writing for faxing, then 3D logos were in vogue, now many logos are not even used on paper, which makes it possible to develop animated logos.

Logos that are the result of a concentration of "formal" rather than "conceptual" ideas lose their relevance over time. A logo must be able to convey its message over a long period of time, and it must be able to adapt to cultural changes. If the idea is based on "this is such a cool font and a great new trend," then over time, such logos become embarrassing and have to be redone. Logos designed with an emphasis on the current trend and tendencies often quickly become outdated and look "weird". Few clients want their logo to be perceived as outdated or odd. This does not mean that you do not need to follow fashion. If there is a strong idea in the logo design, then no one bothers you to draw it in the trendy spot pastel colors today.

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